Comfort Moving Chicago   

Chicago's Best Movers       (773) 236-1724

Comfort Moving Chicago Guidelines and Contract

Basic Moving Guidelines

Safety Guidelines

16. No current allergies have been reported from anyone on our team, pet allergies included.

17. Extreme caution will be taken with any power tools such as saws, drills, nail guns, etc. we expect these items to be disconnected from any power sources, any injuries/damages due to a powered tool connected to a power source are the sole responsibility of the customer.

18. Any specialized medical equipment such as fluid bags, needles, scalpels, blood, bodily fluids will not be moved by our movers.

19. We do not transport any poisonous insects or animals, dead or alive.

20. For the safety of our movers, we will not be removing our shoes to eliminate the tracking of dirt, debris, ice or snow.

Damages and Item Guidelines

Moving Agreement

The Customer hereby designates Comfort Moving Chicago, or one of its assigned or delegated contractors (the “Movers”), to act as their agent to accomplish the preceding described move. Customer understands that Comfort Moving Chicago may, in its sole discretion, assign or delegate Customers move to one of its trusted contractors, and that trusted contractor shall be solely responsible for any liability to Customer as discussed herein. Mover will use its best judgment in performing its duties, subject to the review and discretion of the person being moved. Customer and Mover and agree as follows: 1) both parties hereby designate an agreed maximum damages value of $0.775 per pound per article with this being the only settlement or awardable value for damage or loss; 2) both parties expressly disclaim and exclude liability for wear from normal use, adjustments, consumable items, loss of revenue, damage from road hazards and accidents, fire and acts of weather, but not limited to, rain, wind, flood, hail, sun damage, and damage caused by improper packing or any other economic or moral loss or direct immediate special, indirect, or consequential damage; and, 3) Movers will not be held liable, nor assume any responsibility, for protecting customers flooring from dirt or debris. Customers shall provide protection for flooring to prevent any damage. Movers will not be held liable for damage to Customers floors, regardless of material, including wood, tile, marble, or any floor covering whatsoever. Customers shall look to their insurance company to cover any and all damages to the flooring or floor covering resulting from the move or moving service. This includes common areas of any community or building where the Customer's items are moved from and to. It is agreed that Movers will not be held liable for damage to driveways or any parking surface whatsoever. This includes cracks or any damage that may be caused to any ground surface as a result of the moving services. Movers will park where the Customer requests unless the designated area is impracticable. 

Movers are not responsible for items left inside furniture. Movers assume no liability for items which are loaded into Customer’s truck or container, including any & all shipping and/or rental companies. Customers are advised to arrange any & all coverage with their shipping and/or rental companies. Movers do not cover damage to paintings, artwork, glass, marble, stone, or granite, for any reason whatsoever. Movers shall not be held responsible by Customer for missing or lost valuables inclusive of cash, jewelry, stones, or any item of value (including sentimental value). (exceeding $100)

Movers do not install or hook-up washing machines or dryers. If Customer asks an agent or Mover to do so and they oblige, it is of their own volition and Mover is not liable for any issues or damages caused after the washing machine or dryer has been unloaded from the truck and placed in the appropriate area. It is agreed that by asking one of Mover’s agents to install the washing machine or dryer, Customer does so voluntarily, and assumes any and all risk associated in allowing this work to be performed. Customer also agrees to indemnify and hold Mover harmless against any and all claims of loss or damage, including damages involving water, flooring, walls, electric, or any other damage whatsoever, caused as a result of Customer asking one of Mover’s agents to install or hook-up a washing machine or dryer, including any and all plumbing connections in the home. 

Claims not made within seven (7) calendar days in writing to the company's office are waived, null, and voided. Mover reserves the right to refuse to move such items that do not meet the conditions prescribed in the Moving Guidelines above. Customer agrees to protect, defend, and hold company harmless for damages or legal consequences resulting from acts that Mover performs at the direction of Customer.

 It is agreed that the Mover shall have a general lien upon any and all property deposited with it or hereafter deposited with it. All goods deposited upon which storage and all other charges are not paid when due, will be sold at private sale or public action to pay said accrued charges and expenses of the sale, after due notice to the Customer, and publication of the time and place of said sale, according to requirements under the law. If Customer does not make full payment in an acceptable form when Mover requests, prior to completion of the move, all items will be loaded and held in storage until full payment is received (this includes the cost of the storage unit). Additional fees associated with this section may apply. Customer agrees to pay for the services and any invoice of balances due to Movers within seven (7) days of the completion of services. Customer agrees to pay any costs and attorney’s fees incurred by Movers which are associated with the enforcement of this Agreement and/or collection of an invoiced amount. 

Customers acknowledge the inherent risk of moving and will expect and look to their insurance company to provide insurance coverage against loss or damage. If any portion of this agreement is held invalid, then all other portions shall remain in full force as a total agreement. Any warranties, agreements, or claims made verbally are excluded and this agreement supersedes all other agreements and represents the total agreement between the two parties. 

Customer thereby herein states that “I have read the preceding Moving Agreement and agree to the items. I have filled out the required information within this agreement as truly and accurately as possible.” 

*Notarized by (3) certified Comfort Moving Chicago managers: Mateo Goldin, Ethan Preece, Henry Johnson. 

Contract is invalid if presented by any other name than listed above.

Updated as of: 12/01/2022